Japji Sahib states that God ( Hukami) has Himself taken the form of this entire creation. And as one gets aligned with the Hukam, then the false self (ego) fades away.
All the worldly experiences are an outcome of His Will only. This Pauri explains how God has Himself transformed into the entire creation and is operating it through His Divine Will.
Hukami, as stated above refers to the God Himself, while Hukam is His Will or the cosmic laws and principles that govern this entire existence. हुकमी उतमु नीचु हुकमि लिखि दुख सुख पाईअहि ॥Īfter introducing it in the preceding Pauri, Guru Nanak Dev Ji now describes how the entire creation is working under that Hukam, that is, the Divine’s Will of God. For a deeper understanding, we encourage you to watch the Japji Sahib Series. These blogs are derived from Sri Guru’s Satsangs on Shri Japji Sahib, giving a brief interpretation of the Pauris by Guru Nanak Dev Ji. This article is a part 2 of series “Japji Sahib Meanings” in English